have a running nose中文什么意思

发音:   用"have a running nose"造句
  • have:    vt. 1.有,持有,具有,含有。 ...
  • running:    adj. 1.跑的,边跑边走的;流动 ...
  • nose:    n. 1.鼻;(动物)鼻口部;吻;嗅 ...
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  1. It seems to be improving . i can smell properly now , but sometimes i still have a running nose
  2. P : it seems to be improving . i can smell properly now , but sometimes i still have a running nose
  3. Patient : yesterday i had a running nose . now my nose is stuffed up . i have a sore throat . and i ' m afraid i ' ve got a temperature . i feel terrible
  4. Patient : no , but i ' ve got a headache . yesterday i had a running nose . now my nose is stuffed up . and i ' m afraid i ' ve got a temperature . i feel terrible


  1. have a rough time of it 什么意思
  2. have a rough tongue 什么意思
  3. have a round of cards 什么意思
  4. have a row with a neighbour 什么意思
  5. have a royal time 什么意思
  6. have a runny nose 什么意思
  7. have a safe trip home 什么意思
  8. have a sale 什么意思
  9. have a sale on sth 什么意思
  10. have a say in 什么意思


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